20 Dec 2022

Why Vegan Hair Products Are Good For You

Veganism, where all animal products are excluded from the diet, is on the rise in the UK. A landmark study by pollsters Ipsos Mori found that the number of British vegans rose from 150,000 to 600,000 between 2014 and 2019. The lifestyle change phenomenon seen during the pandemic has seen this number grow even further, reaching 1.6 million in 2022. Even if many of us aren’t committing to veganism currently, we’re all getting more careful as to what we’re putting in or on our bodies. Vegan haircare is skyrocketing as we look to get the beautiful, shiny and strong locks we all want in a gentler, kinder and smarter way. Here’s the lowdown on why vegan hair products are good for you.


No Harsh Chemicals

Harsh Chemicals in hair products


Conventional hair care products often contain all sorts of chemicals – parabens, sulphates, alcohols, synthetic dyes, stabilizers, preservatives and solvents to name but some! And while they might get hair clean and style it to perfection, they can wreak havoc on your locks and scalp. Regular use can strip hair of its essential oils and moisture. Harsh chemicals can trigger scalp issues such as dryness, dandruff, rashes, and inflammatory problems such as contact dermatitis. Vegan hair products are formulated with natural ingredients which won’t remove vital oils and dry your tresses out. Similarly, the plant-based components are far less likely to trigger allergic reactions and inflammation. There are many excellent vegan shampoos on the market. 



These days, people are very aware of animal welfare and the often-cruel treatment endured in the manufacture and processing of foodstuffs and cosmetics. Thankfully, many brands began moving away from these practises years ago but it’s far from perfect. Many of us simply don’t know that many “cruelty-free” hair products contain many animal derivatives. Gelatin, lanolin and keratin for example. And while it may be that those brands weren’t tested on animals, they’ve still ended up being killed in the process of producing those ingredients. With vegan hair products, you can be sure that no animal has been harmed in their production. So, you can get brilliant results, guilt-free!


The World Around Us

Vegan hair products aren’t just good for animal welfare, but they’re kinder to the planet too! Firstly, all those harsh chemicals end up going down the plug hole after showering and bathing. They then end up in our seas and soils, eventually ending up in human and animal habitats. At best, they’re not very biodegradable (sometimes taking years to break down) and at worst, they’re downright toxic.  Animal farming also destroys the environment, creating huge levels of methane gas while being a major cause of deforestation. When you buy vegan, you buy natural, biodegradable products that help reduce greenhouse gases and stop swathes of forests being destroyed. Better for the planet, and better for you!


Wide Choice

Years ago, going vegan wasn’t easy. There weren’t many vegans and few brands and products catered for their requirements. It was as true of hair products as in the food industry. But now, vegan hair care is bigger than ever. Brands have moved to embrace the rapidly growing phenomenon, so you won’t need to compromise on choice and quality. Products don’t need chemicals or animal derivatives to work well – organic and natural plant-based ingredients perform brilliantly.


What To Look Out For

Woman reading label on hair products


Always look at the label before you buy. If you see the Vegan certified symbol, then you’ll know the product is cruelty-free and doesn’t contain any animal derivatives. And check the ingredients closely; often the names are rather obscure. For instance, shellac is commonly used in shampoos to make hair glossy. Did you know it’s made from a resin secreted by the female lac bug, an insect hailing from India and Thailand?


Final Thoughts

There’s no doubt that vegan hair products are good for you. Your hair is a natural part of your body, so it makes sense not to use harsh chemicals on it. And with the huge range of vegan hair care options out there, you can get your best hair without any animals having to suffer for it. All while helping the planet too. What could be better for you?

With Veganuary coming up in January 2023, why not make Hair Gain Capsules, Gummies and our Hair Mask part of your New Year healthy regimen? All our products are vegan and vegetarian certified, and are Halal certified too. Your hair will thank you!


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