The Independent
Journalist Amerley Ollennu trialled the Hair Gain capsules for three months. Read her review on the ingredients, ease of use, value for money and the impact it had on her receding hairline.
Journalist Amerley Ollennu trialled the Hair Gain capsules for three months. Read her review on the ingredients, ease of use, value for money and the impact it had on her receding hairline.
The Daily Mail reports on Ashleigh Barnes's amazing hair transformation story after she restored her locks by taking our Hair Gain supplements for 8 months when she lost her hair due to stress and all other treatments failed.
Beauty journalist Keeks Reid talks about the benefits of the Hair Gain Hair Mask on This Morning, in a special feature on scalp care, featuring products for healthier, happier hair.
Journalist Ellie Davis puts our Hair Gain Capsules to the test and says "Enriched with the brand’s exclusive AnaGain as well as biotin and zinc, they work to encourage growth at the cell and follicle level and leave you with long, shiny locks
Well-known and well-regarded beauty journalist Laura Capon writes in Grazia: "Hair Gain's supplements are loved in the beauty industry and I can personally attest that my mum swears by them for growth."
GH Digital Writer Elena Chabo said; "I've always had trouble growing my curly mixed-race hair but after seeing so many beauty editors rave about Hair Gain, I had to give them a try. Now my hair has finally pushed past the stubborn shoulder length it was stuck at for years and I will be using these permanently."
Ashleigh, who lost her hair due to the stress of a bad breakup and working as a nurse through the pandemic, explains to The Sun that her confidence was at rock bottom and how Hair Gain helped "I tried and tested so many other methods and treatments, but Hair Gain is the only one that worked for me."
Love Island's Malin Anderson reveals that she has suffered from the painful skin condition psoriasis during her pregnancy and has been using our Hair Gain Hair Mask to help soothe and cure the problem.
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