13 Apr 2022

Post-Partum Hair Loss: How Hair Gain Has Helped Our Founder

Our founder, Lucy Palmer, created Hair Gain after experiencing severe postpartum hair loss with her first daughter Molly eight years ago. In June 2021 she gave birth to her second daughter Charlie. She talks to us about post-partum hair loss the second time round. She shares her impressive progress pictures to prove how much Hair Gain can make a difference to those experiencing hair loss and hair thinning.

Post-Partum Hair Loss

How did it make you feel when your hair started shedding after the birth of Charlie?

The second time round was so much worse. My hair shed was a lot more severe after Charlie than it was with Molly. I experienced significant receding around the temples and clumps of hair coming were coming out. Fortunately I knew what to expect regarding hair loss after pregnancy this time. So, the experience wasn’t as scary it was when I first went through it. I was also armed with Hair Gain – knowing I had products that would help was hugely reassuring for me.

What is your post-partum hair loss care routine?

I take the Hair Gain capsules daily after breakfast. I also use the Hair Gain Hair Mask two times a week. Each time, I leave it on for 10 minutes for maximum efficacy. Meanwhile, I try to be as gentle with my hair as I can. I avoid putting my hair into tight ponytails and using too much heat on it. I also use the Hair Gain comb instead of a brush. It’s much better at detangling my locks and minimising snags and breakage. 

I also try not to stress about my hair loss as much as possible. I’ve found it can be a vicious circle. It can make you feel very anxious which can in turn lead to more hair loss.

Was it any different to the post-partum hair loss you experienced after Molly?

I was calmer about post partum hair loss this time round. I knew I could get through it with the full micro nutrient support of Hair Gain. Our range is made with key ingredient AnaGain™ which is derived from the small but mighty pea shoot. Pea shoots at just a few days old have the highest concentration of phytonutrients of any other food and its powerful nutrients can help to support healthy hair by stimulating specific signal molecules in the dermal papilla responsible for reactivating hair growth.

Can you describe how you feel when you see your progress pictures?

Hair Gain Before & After Image

I started taking pictures when the post-partum shed began. I was really happy at how quickly I noticed a difference and how quickly the hair started to come back. What was really comforting was how quickly my hair care routine stopped the dreaded hair shed. I could see within a short space of time that there was much less coming out when I combed and washed my hair. 

How do you feel each time you hear from a customer or see their pictures showcasing how well Hair Gain has worked?

I feel immensely proud. This is why Hair Gain was born and it makes all of the hard work worthwhile. It brings me so much joy to see women with their hair and confidence restored knowing that Hair Gain has helped. We hear from so many women around the world who tell us that Hair Gain is the only product that has truly helped them. Some have spent years suffering from hair loss and spent thousands of pounds on products to try and restore it. Nothing beats knowing that Hair Gain has given them their hair and confidence back. 

How important is it to you to raise awareness and acceptance of hair loss? 

This is why we are here, to help break down the taboo of hair loss. We want  women to know they do not need to suffer in silence and go through it alone. 

I’m so proud to have developed an antidote that can help stop hair shed and help with regrowth. Experiencing hair loss is horrible. I lost handfuls of hair each day and clogged the bathroom plug on numerous occasions. Losing my hair really knocked my confidence and I found it really scary the first time round. I had never been warned about postpartum hair loss and had no idea it was a problem facing 300,000 women a year. 

The more I spoke to other women the more I realised that hair loss is a huge problem. It's also an issue that we tend to suffer with in silence. 8 million women in the UK suffer from hair loss at some point in their lives and there are many causes. Stress, anxiety, over-styling, hormonal fluctuations, menopause and nutritional deficiencies can all cause hair loss. It is now also one of the symptoms people can experience post Covid. 

I don’t ever want hair loss to be embarrassing or stigmatising for any women. So I am sharing my experience and pictures of what post-partum hair loss after the birth of my second born was like for me. 

It has also given me the opportunity to join all of the amazing women in our Hair Gain community, who have bravely shared their hair loss journey and their before and after pictures. They show just how well the Hair Gain capsules or gummies can work when you are experiencing hair loss issues, in the hope that other women can discover and benefit from Hair Gain.

What would be the three key things you would advise women experiencing hair loss?

Post-partum hair loss before & after
  • Start taking Hair Gain - our nutritional supplement will help support follicles from within.
  • Stop fixating on your hair loss – I found it can be a vicious cycle and it can really get you down. This makes you more anxious and can cause further hair loss. My advice is to try and distract yourself from it as much as possible.
  • It is also worth looking at any lifestyle reasons why you are suffering from hair loss and then trying to address them.
  • Have a full health mot to check your bloods and hormones etc. This can  make sure there are no deficiencies or health issues that may be causing or contributing to the hair loss.
  • Eliminate stress as much as you possibly can and carve out some time each week that is just for you.

What is your ambition for Hair Gain?

To continue expanding the Hair Gain range and creating world class hair care products for hair loss women that can support them and make a real difference to their lives. 

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