21 Jun 2024

A Trichologist’s Top Tips To Fight Frizzy Hair

Summer is finally here! It’s a time to look forward to sun-soaked days, while many of us will be heading abroad for a well-deserved holiday on the beach. But while the warm weather and long days are a welcome change from the cold and the wet, they can also spell trouble for your hair! Dry hair, split ends and damage to the hair cuticle are all common problems. And increased sweat and oil production can also clog pores on the scalp, leading to dandruff and other scalp issues. But without doubt, the number one summertime hair struggle is frizzy hair.


Why Does Warm Weather Cause Frizzy Hair?


According to Consultant Trichologist and Hair Gain Ambassador Samantha Stewart MIT, frizzy hair is caused due to the way dry hair interacts with humid air.

“Hair is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture from the air. If hair is lacking in moisture, it will seek it from the atmosphere. The more hairs that do this, the higher the chance these hairs will create frizz,” she explains.

Warm air holds more moisture than cold air, and that’s why we see higher humidity levels in the summer months. This heightened humidity causes an increased moisture imbalance between the air and our tresses. This prompts our hair to take in more moisture. Samantha continues:

“When the air is humid, it contains a higher amount of water vapour. Dry and porous hair tends to absorb this excess moisture more readily, causing the hair shaft to swell. As a result, the cuticle scales on the hair shaft become more raised, leading to frizz.”


Who’s Most At Risk?


No hair type is safe from frizz in warmer weather. However, dry, or damaged hair is particularly vulnerable to the effects of increased heat and humidity. This is down to the condition of the hair cuticle itself. Samantha explains:

“Hair cuticles are like tiny shingles that protect the hair strands. In healthy hair, the cuticle lies down smoothly. However, damage to the cuticle can mean that it is unable to close. When the cuticle is open, beneficial moisture escapes, and moisture from the air enters the hair shaft, causing it to swell and change shape — resulting in frizz.”


Curly Hair


People with curly hair tend to suffer with frizzy hair too. Curly hair is naturally drier as the cuticles are unsealed, making them more susceptible to frizz when exposed to humidity.

Samantha says: “Natural oils produced by the scalp don’t travel down curly hair shafts as effectively as they do on straight hair. As a result, curly hair often has some natural frizz. However, even people with straight hair can experience frizz, especially when their hair is damaged, dry, or exposed to hot weather.”


Top Tips For Fighting Frizzy Hair


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Combating the dreaded frizz in the summer requires a strategic approach. Here’s what you should do:


Take Moisture To The Maximum


Keeping your hair properly hydrated is an essential tool in getting frizzy hair issues under control. Samantha recommends Hair Gain Hair Mask, a brilliant way of locking in precious moisture. Its deeply hydrating and nourishing formula deeply penetrates the cuticles. This results in stronger, healthier hair which is less prone to look for moisture from the air. So easy to use, and just leave in for 10 minutes once or twice a week. Samantha also advocates Hair Gain Scalp Foam as a perfect everyday addition to your anti-frizz arsenal. Used on either dry or towel-dried hair, its weightless formula is speedily absorbed with no residue. Packed with amazing, natural ingredients, it works to nourish the scalp while stimulating the hair follicles.


Samantha Says


“Hair Gain’s Hair Mask will help to keep locks frizz-free by intensely hydrating the hair and prolonging the moisture content of the hair, meanwhile the Hair Gain Scalp Foam can not only be used to help support the scalp microbiome, ensuring the optimum environment for hair growth, but it also helps strengthen the hair and reduce breakage which will reduce frizz. What’s more, both the mask and the foam contain frizz-reducing ingredients such as Betaine and Panthenol.”


Give Styling Tools The Swerve


We’re addicted to our heat styling tools, but you should leave them to one side during the summer months. The less heat hitting your tresses, the less the potential damage, and the less likely you’ll have to contend with frizzy hair. If you can’t bear to tear yourself away from your straighteners, irons, and tongs, then at least make sure the heat is turned right down!


Hit The Salon


Finally, a terrific way to prevent damage and frizz is to head to the hairdressers. Regular visits will trim away frayed or split ends, keeping hair in good condition and helping lessen frizz.


Look After Your Locks Inside And Out

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Hair Gain’s amazing range of supplements and topicals are backed by leading trichologists like Samantha. Powered by the exclusive AnaGain™ ingredient and packed with key hair vitamins and minerals, Hair Gain Hair Capsules and Hair Gummies help prevent hair loss and foster hair growth. Meanwhile, Hair Gain’s fantastic topicals – Hair Gain Scalp Foam, Hair Mask and the game changing Peptide Puff™ dry shampoo – will keep your hair looking fantastic from the outside.  


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