Hair thinning and hair loss can be a very challenging and emotional experience. There are a wide range of reasons why it can happen, and it is very common. Hundreds of millions of people across the world are affected. And it is nothing new: before the birth of Christ, ancient Egyptians were busily rubbing the fats of lions, crocodiles and hippos into their scalps in a futile attempt to cure the condition. For as long as recorded time, we have passed on (and believed) countless hair loss myths and old wives’ tales.
And while no-one is eating the ground hooves of an ass or drinking goat’s urine any longer, there are still many misconceptions in circulation. Here, we debunk some of the most common hair loss myths.
It’s A Man’s Problem, Right?
One of the most popular hair loss myths is that hair loss only affects men. This is widely believed even amongst women, and it couldn’t be further from the truth. While it is correct to say it is more common in men, it’s a widespread condition in women too. At least 30% of women will deal with the issue at some point, and some studies estimate it to be as much as 50%.
Only Older Women Are Affected
Hair loss tends to be connected with age in people’s minds. This is possibly because it is so common for men to shed their locks as they get older. Certainly, many believe that when women do lose their hair, it only happens to those of advancing years. However, in truth the problem can start in teenage years, and is commonplace in women in their twenties and thirties.
If You Cut Your Hair It Will Grow Back Quicker
This hair loss myth's as old as the hills but it is still doing the rounds. There are quite a few variations on this myth too, with some claiming it can make hair grow back thicker or darker. If you are doing this, just stop. There is zero scientific evidence that cutting or shaving hair (anywhere on the body) has any effect on the way it grows back. Cutting your hair regularly can make your hair look healthier and some styles can make your locks look thicker and fuller!
Ponytails Don’t Cause Hair Loss
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, especially if you’ve got thin or fine hair already. Pulling your hair too tightly into a ponytail can lead to traction alopecia. You can still have a ponytail – just ditch harsh rubber and elastic bands (scrunchies are far gentler) and wear the style light. You’ll drop the tension on your locks and avoid strands of hair coming out when you remove the bands.
If You Want To Lose Your Hair, Wear A Hat
Another hair loss myth. If you like hats, wear them. Many people wear them to hide thinning hair, but they certainly don’t cause the issue in the first place. Or make it worse.
Diet Has No Effect
Diet can have an enormous impact on the condition of your hair, just the same as the rest of your body. Hair is composed of keratin, a protein also found in nails and skin. Nutritional deficiencies will damage your hair and it will also wreak havoc on your hormone balance. Make lean meat, fish and eggs a part of your diet. Quinoa, lentils and beans will also do the trick nicely. Incorporate supplements into your regimen – the blend of essential vitamins, aminos and minerals in Hair Gain Capsules and Gummies, together with the unique AnaGain™ ingredient will help boost your hair from the inside.
It’s Mum’s Fault
Genetics can play a big role in female hair loss, but genes are just one of many potential causes. And where genetics is causing the issue, it is not something you can only inherit from your mother’s side. You are a genetic product of a combination of both sides of your family. It is true to say if your family does have a lot of females with hair loss, chances are you might develop it too.
It’s The Pill
This was actually true at one time, but it is definitely falls in the hair loss myth category now. Older forms of the birth control pill did have heavy amounts of progestin. This is a synthetic form of progesterone which can produce effects similar to those of male hormones, such as hair loss. Certainly, many women did find that hair loss was a side effect of taking it. However, newer products have anti-androgen properties, so they are very unlikely to cause hair fall.
There are many old myths about this one, including hair loss. But don’t worry, it won’t make you lose any hair. Or grow any on your palms, or make you go blind!
Hair Loss Is Permanent
When men lose their hair, it is likely to be permanent. Fortunately for women, it is far more likely to be temporary and it can be far easier to do something about it. Temporary issues such as postpartum hair loss (very common in new mums), stress or illness can have quite severe effects on your hair, but can frequently be helped. Longer term problems can often also be improved too. Be they temporary or permanent, with the right diet, supplements, hair care and lifestyle, many hair growth issues can be tackled and reversed. And that is no myth!
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